In 2018, people across Stoke-on-Trent were invited to submit their favourite family recipes to the Stoke Family Cookbook – and the finished book is now available for Stoke residents to pick up for free.
The cookbook was created as part of the Stoke Reads campaign, which is led by Stoke Reads and Stoke-on-Trent City Council, in partnership with the City Learning Trust.
Recipes were shared by members of the public and pupils from schools throughout Stoke-on-Trent. Schools with recipes featured in the cookbook include Trentham Academy, Glebe Academy, Excel Academy, Burnwood Community Primary School and Birches Head Academy.
Everyone featured in the cookbook has been sent a free copy, and members of the public can pick up a cookbook for free at City Central Library while stocks last. A digital version is also available to download and print here.