Places to visit
Stoke on Trent Libraries
Stoke-on-Trent Libraries welcome children. Go along and join in activities, choose books to borrow from their large collections and use the computers.
They know that babies and toddlers can be noisy – don’t worry, they want children to talk about the books they have read and the activities they have joined in with.
Anyone can join the library – even babies – there are no age limits and it’s free!
Children are welcome to borrow up to 20 books for 3 weeks. There are no charges for any damage that may be caused by children who are under 5 or for any books that are late if they have been borrowed on a child’s ticket.
Have a look at our Out & About activity packs. They're full of ideas to keep your child entertained when out and about and there's one for the library!
What can you borrow?
Board Books
Picture Books
First Facts
Story Books
Information Books
Book and Toy packs
Large Print Books
Books in other languages
Revision and study guides
Story tapes and CDs
Parents information Books
For a small charge you can also borrow music, CDs, videos, DVDs and PlayStation games.
You can use the internet free of charge and at some libraries there are After School Homework Clubs.

Where are the libraries in Stoke-on-Trent?
There are six community libraries in Stoke-on-Trent:
For more information about the libraries in Stoke-on-Trent visit the Stoke-on-Trent Libraries or call City Central (Hanley) Library on 01782 238455.
The City’s green spaces are great places for children to play and explore. Click the parks below to find out more about each one.
Hanley Park
Longton Park (Queen’s Park)
Tunstall Park (Victoria Park)
Have a look here to see more local gardens and parks.
Have a look at our Out & About activity packs. They're full of ideas to keep your child entertained when out and about and there's one for the park!

Stoke on Trent Museums
Museums are an ideal day out for all the family. Each of the museums has activities throughout the year, which are fun as well as educational. Who said museums were boring?
The four museums in Stoke-on-Trent are special in their own unique way and have something on offer for everyone.

The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery (Hanley)
Travel back in time and discover the history of the Potteries. See their World War 2 Spitfire, Ozzy the famous pottery owl and visit the secret garden.

Gladstone Pottery Museum (Longton)
Gladstone is the only complete Victorian pottery factory from the days when coal-burning ovens made the world's finest bone china. Explore the cobbled yard, with huge bottle kilns and take part daily workshops.
Visit the Gladstone Pottery Museum website here

Ford Green Hall (Smallthorne)
Ford Green Hall is a 17th century timber-framed farmhouse complete with period garden. An award-winning museum, the Hall offers visitors a fascinating insight into the life of the 17th century. The rooms are furnished with an outstanding collection of textiles, ceramics and furniture.
Visit the Ford Green Hall website here

Etruria Industrial Museum
The last steam-powered potters' mill in Britain, the mill is 'in steam' seven times a year when the 1903 boiler is fired and historic machinery can be seen working. Situated on the canal, the museum also offers a family friendly interactive exhibition.
Visit the Etruria Industrial Museum website here
Children's Centres
Children’s Centres operate across Stoke-on-Trent and aim to provide a sure start in life for children and their families.
For more information about the Children's Centres and to find out what’s on, please visit the main Council webpage.