Using gadgets and technology effectively with your child
Our children are born into a world where tablets, smart phones, video games, computers and television are all part of a family’s daily routine and life. Children are becoming computer-literate at a younger age. There are benefits to using technology together with your child, such as:
Increased opportunity for parent/child interaction
Children can benefit developmentally from the many of the educational games/apps/programmes available
As parents it is important that we control our child’s use of technology so that:
Children use and select appropriate apps for their age range
We monitor the amount of screen time our children have each day
Children are kept safe from the hidden dangers of the internet

Getting the balance right
Introduce your child to tablets when the time is right for you and them
Use the tablet alongside your child
Develop routines for using the tablet
Choose appropriate apps for your child
Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the apps your child uses
Think about apps as you would toys or books and select the correct age range.
What else can your tablet do? Together use the camera/video to explore their environment inside and out and talk about what they can see.
Link tablet play with non-digital play
Turn the tablet off an hour or so before bedtime
Have a look at the useful links below for more information about managing technology with your child.
DadPad app | Essential guide for new dads