What goes together?
Find some objects from around the house that are used together such as cup, juice, toothpaste, toothbrush, sock, shoe, hat, glove, butter, bread, child friendly knife, fork, pen, paper.
Mix the objects up and ask your child if they can find which objects go together.
Each time they find a pair ask them to say why the objects go together, encourage sentences such as 'the toothpaste and tooth brush go together because you use them to brush your teeth'.
Using words such as ‘and’ and ‘because’ will help your child to make longer and more complex sentences.

Story telling
Encourage your child to tell a story, it might help to have props such as teddies, dolls, puppets or action figures.
Encourage them to tell you what happened. If they say a sentence wrong, say it back to them correctly. E.g. your child says 'he runned all the way', you say 'oh he ran all the way'
Ask your child what they think will happen next in the story.
Action replay
After your child has watched an episode of their favourite programme encourage them to tell you what has happened in the programme.
Prompt them to include who was in the programme, where the characters were, what happened and why it happened and how the characters were feeling.
Words such as who, where, what, why and how are really important for your child’s language development.
Matching and opposites
Find a few objects or toys from round the house.
Let your child pick an object. Use a describing word for the object, such as fluffy, shiny, tiny, heavy.
See if your child can find something that matches, e.g. if it's fluffy, can they find something else around the house that is also fluffy.
Next, see if your child can find something opposite, e.g. if it's heavy, can they find something not heavy or light?
Sounds in stories
Look at a book, comic or magazine with your child.
You can read it or just talk about the pictures.
Explore the sounds in the story, what noises do animals, vehicles or characters make?
What sounds do they begin with? E.g. tiger begins with 't'. Are there any other things in the picture beginning with 't'?
Are there any words that rhyme? E.g. fox rhymes with socks.
Talking about sounds and rhymes will help to develop important skills for reading.